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Artist's statement; why,  where,  what & when.

Greetings, and thank you for tuning in. 

       Here is a brief rendering of my thoughts and positions, as a visual artist, regarding traditional as well as contemporary art; I never cease to be amazed by all forms of art, why that object, whether it be tangible or conceptual, that subjective rendering of the human experience, expresses the awesomeness of Universal Awareness...Many artists have devoted their lives, and lived solely for the privilege of leaving a mark, like the cavemen did when they painted their hand prints witnessing “we are here”.

       For me, art comes in as many forms as can be imagined…some of it talks to us, and some leaves us indifferent, it communicates various messages, when it does resonate in our soul, it becomes that magical cipher, that interface, tricking our cognitive defence mechanisms, allowing direct access into our “proto being”. We are awed in an unexplainable way. Special art achieves this with an economy of means;  Mona’s elusive smile, Monet’s impressive sunrises, Pollock’s cosmic paint scapes, Manzoni’s canned goods.  

       It also applies to the decorative arts when incorporated in the everyday objects surrounding us; tools, fashion, architecture; it enhances our living experience in a more subtle kind of way.

      Many have mentioned having issues with art that does not represent something. For many, art is about how realistic an object is depicted. I keep reminding them, everyone can appreciate an instrumental composition, without words; try experiencing non figurative art in the same way and let the concepts, materials,  shapes,  textures, and colours guide you in the same way.   

      As for my work, I tend to be attracted towards the digital unit, by rearranging repetitive elements to create illusionary spaces. Ideally, they are meant to be viewed, centered at eye level and for several minutes, challenging the brain, allowing the viewer to disconnect momentarily from objective reality.   

      Since I have spent the better part of my life working with wood, it felt natural to use it as a medium. I love it’s organic nature, it’s textures and offers a wonderful colour palette.   I think the values my works put forth are discipline, patience, and calmness.  

    Please feel free to comment or ask questions through my email.

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